“He who knows not and knows not that he knows not,                                                 He is a fool–shun him;

He who knows not and knows he knows not                                                                     He is simple–teach him;

He who knows and knows not he knows,                                                                           He is asleep–wake him;

He who knows and knows he knows,                                                                                  He is wise; follow him.”

The above quotation is a test on my part to see if WordPress will publish it in the form that I have entered it, for in the recent past they have failed to do so. Today I finally complained to WebHostingHub about WordPress’s rude and crude treatment of my work in that they were totally destroying the meaning and content of the various authors and poets I quote.                     A young man by the name of Chris assured me that he would install a plug-in that would correct the situation. In a few minutes I and you will see if that is indeed the case, ha, ha!
